
Fall is traditionally a cleanup time and a time to reflect and reassess. I was able to grow and put up all my garlic, onions, potatoes, strawberries, sweet potatoes, winter squash, cherries, blackberries, raspberries, gooseberries, walnuts, herbs, tomatoes, peppers, corn, string beans, figs, pears, apples, and many wines, juices, jams, citrus, turmeric, and homemade ice cream.

I was able to offer dried figs, pears, new seeds, and jams to share online, along with all the old favorites on my store (NEW listings are ongoing for the next month). I have other tasks such as mowing and seeding the pastures and gardens and painting projects in the house and outside. Fall rabbit harvest is also happening.

This year has been super productive in many ways. You can’t tell by how weedy the place looks. It’s been primarily un-mowed, unpruned, and not weeded much in two years. There is only so much one person can do. I have the additional help of my friend Wayne, who usually comes for a half day every week (which helps significantly with things that are difficult for me with shoulder joints injured from heavy lifting at my age.)

The perennial crops have exploded in production this year, and all that food needed to be picked and preserved. I saved a lot of new seeds and plan to drop many older ones and add products to my website. I tried a Saturday market but was unsuccessful as it does not look like a store, and I am off the beaten track. I also have no time/energy/skills to do more marketing.

Is there any interest in helping gather black walnuts for a share of the harvest? Fourteen nuts are the adult need for fat and protein; they don’t require refrigeration to store them. Free trees are also available locally to those who want to dig them.