I do what I have always done… start seeds in the dark days of winter, prune trees, carry water for the animals, breed rabbits, plan my gardens, build compost piles, and try to keep up with maintaining the house and property. Then, in the spring, the garden wakes up and things begin to bloom and turn green.
Seedlings and seeds get planted and mulched daily. Then the growing season begins with the first strawberries. There is a progression of perennial and annual foods that are planted throughout the season. I harvest and sell what I can then freeze, dry, or can for myself and my family. Everything is done by hand. Seeds are saved for selling and planting. Orders are shipped to other gardeners in the USA. It is a busy time of year.
The last fruit to ripen on my homestead food forest that was planted over the last 46 years is persimmons. This delicious fall fruit comes from two tall trees in the garden that ripen around Thanksgiving. Then we put the garden to rest for the winter by applying wood chips, mulch, and compost for next year’s plantings.
I plan to downsize my workload and get more involved with educational classes here as I get older. My organic gardening experience spans over 60 years in 4 states and regions. I also have an online store and sell plants, seeds, and homemade crafts on my website at sharonsnaturalgardens.com. I love to help those that are just learning the joy of organic gardening. There are many homesteading skills that I have been using most of my life that I look forward to sharing. I’m also available for garden consultations in the local area.
All my plants are grown with my homemade compost using no chemicals and no plastics. You can view my compost video on YouTube at: YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VztILYJ4ATI&t=26s.
As many of you may already know, we are a small operation, not a huge corporation. We think many people prefer working with independent gardeners where they can order directly from the person who grows the plants. If you have any questions or problems, you can contact me directly by email or phone!
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