These are so easy to grow and propagate. They are also nice to plant near windows to watch hummingbirds They make lovely cut flowers too.
The leaves can be used to wrap things for grilling and the bulbs were used by northwestern Indians as a potato substitute as well as made into a flour. They are also used as a food in Chinese cuisine.
Another use for these lillies is to plant in wetlands to remove pollutants from the water. Lift the bulbs after a killing frost and store in a cool place till spring that does not freeze.
Seed is also available but it will take a few years before the plants have large bulbs. 3 large bulbs are in a box/order. Plant in containers or about one ft apart. These tubers made it though our severe winter outside this winter without mulch so they are hardy.
Everything grown or made by founder since 1977. No chemicals or commercial manures used & only open pollinated seeds planted . Most of the work is done by hand. Biodynamics practiced here since 1990. Small scale homestead that grows most of its own foods. Shipping included.
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